Fork in Pollen

Marine Grade Resin

397h x 170w x 170d cms
(13′ x 5’6″ x 5’6″)

Fork in pollen sculpture monumental sculpture public sculpture, sculpture for specifiers sculpture for architects Summer Exhibition by Mark Reed

A failed crop in the family orchard where Mark’s studio is located inspired Mark to make his monumental ‘Fork in Pollen’ Sculpture he is concerned with the plight of the bees-and the widespread effect that it would have globally if decline continues in such numbers. Climate change and environmental damage is a monumental problem which Mark could not ignore.

Bees are great pollinators, and therefore have a key role in producing much of the food that we eat. Without pollination many of our food sources would not exist.

If bee and other insect pollinator declines continue, the high cost of pollinating these plants by other means could significantly increase the cost of fruit and vegetables.

Bees also help pollinate many wildflowers, allowing them to reproduce. Without this pollination many of these plants would not produce seeds, resulting in declines in wildflowers. As these plants are often the basis of complex food chains, it is easy to imagine how other wildlife such as other insects, birds and mammals would all suffer if bees disappeared.

Fork in Pollen monumental public sculpture List visual arts center outdoor collection large scale sculpture scientific sculpture contemporary british sculpture specifier sculpture by Mark Reed

Fork in Pollen sculpture abstract sculpture wellcome trust sculpture yorkshire sculpture park monumental sculpture by Mark Reed

Fork in Pollen sculpture public art sculpture west coast sculpture idiosyncratic sculpture corporate sculpture wellcome trust sculpture Mark Reed

Fork in Pollen sculpture RA Summer Exhibition Sculpt Gallery monumental sculpture public sculpture specificer commissions by Mark Reed

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